In order to install this driver on your PC, you need Windows XP/Vista7/8/10. You can download and install this driver for free. The driver seems as safe as any other Microsoft product. Simply plug in your hardware, install the driver, and your controller will automatically be detected by your PC.įor Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, when you connect the Xbox 360 controller to your PC, the software will automatically install. How Does the Xbox 360 Controller Driver Work? Also, even if you are used to playing with a keyboard, trying the Xbox 360 controller on your PC can bring you a whole new experience to a given game.
Once the installation is done, you won’t have to go through the same process every time.
Here are some of the driver’s main features: We’re planning to release the drivers as part of a Windows update in the near future however, today, we’re offering early access to our dedicated PC gamers on.
How Does the Xbox 360 Controller Driver Work? Beginning today, new PC drivers for the Xbox One controller will be available for download, offering PC gamers a better way to play using the Xbox One controller.